Letter — suspension from duties
[insert date]
Dear [insert name of employee],
Following our meeting [today/on [insert date]], I am writing to confirm your suspension from the company with immediate effect.
This is not a disciplinary sanction: during the period of your suspension, you will continue to be paid your salary [and receive other contractual benefits] in the usual way. [This suspension is in accordance with the company’s disciplinary procedures, [a copy of which is enclosed/ a copy of which is available from [insert name and job title].] [Suspension is being implemented because the allegations involve [insert explanation of why suspension is appropriate in this case].]
During your suspension, the company will carry out a full investigation into [insert details of complaint/concerns/incident]. The investigation is being carried out by [insert name(s)]. The fact that you are being suspended does not mean that the company has prejudged the issue, the sole purpose of your suspension is to enable a proper investigation to be conducted into the allegations against you. It may be necessary to hold a further meeting or meetings with you as part of this investigation. You should therefore remain available for work and notify the company [in writing] in advance of any holidays or other absence which you are intending to take during the period of suspension so that these can be agreed.
Once the investigation is complete, you will be advised of the outcome and you may be invited to attend a disciplinary hearing in accordance with the company’s [dismissal and disciplinary procedure]. We will write to you if we are going to call such a meeting. It is expected that the investigation will take [ ] [days/weeks]. I will contact you again during the week commencing [insert date].
May I remind you that during the period of your suspension you are not permitted to attend any of the company’s premises [or contact any of the company’s customers/clients/suppliers/employees] and that, apart from the obligation to attend work, all the terms of your contract of employment remain in force. If you have any queries during this time, please contact [me/insert name and job title].
Yours sincerely,
For and on behalf of [insert name of employer]