Letter collective redundancy consultation

Letter — collective redundancy consultation


[insert date]
To [insert name of employee representative body or recognised union official]
Dear Sirs
We write to you in accordance with the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, s 188 to advise you of our proposals to declare redundancies at [specify location]. The reasons for the proposed redundancies are [specify reasons]
The total number of employees affected will be [specify number and description] out of a total number of [specify number and description of employees] who are employed at [specify location].
It is proposed that the method of selection for redundant employees will be [specify].
The proposed method of carrying out the dismissals will, subject to our consultations, be [specify, eg in accordance with the procedure agreed under [specify collective agreement].
It is anticipated that the redundancies will take effect during the period [specify date] to [specify date].
It is intended that those who are made redundant will receive, in addition to their statutory redundancy payment entitlement, redundancy payments calculated as follows: [specify proposed method of calculation].
We would welcome the opportunity of meeting with you as soon as possible for the purposes of discussing the above proposals and consulting with you with regard to these.
[We enclose a copy of the Insolvency Service form HR1.]
Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of [insert name of employer]